home bound on dirty bootsChapter 4: Five years later, summer of 1994, I revisited my hometown Shanghai...

After 5 years of absence, I got back to the place where I left at 18.

I spent 10 weeks in China. But I felt that there was something missing for me. Shanghai, the city where I spent the first 18 years of my life, has changed so much over the past five years that it doesn't give me the feeling of home any more. I guess the changes of myself also contributed to how I feel about my old hometown. My 5 years in NYC is when I really grew out of adolescence and developed my personality. When I was in Shanghai talking with my high school friends, I discovered that we had little in common. They all had changed a lot, and I had changed myself as well. We had to do so to adopt to the new lives. But the sentimental connection was gone forever. I went to back to look for it, look for what I had left when in 1989, the moment the plane took off. However, my attempt failed, and I was sad.......

Chapter 5: 1995, last year in City College, and first year of my job.

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